Friday, May 20, 2011

Really, Not Really

1)  I can paint like Sonia Delaunay.
Not. Really.
I did paint this on this outdoor 6x8 rug inspired by Patricia's post and Danika's work.  My knees and back are really happy this project is "finished".  

The last week was spent hoping around the rug, carefully placing furniture over the wet paint and saying things like "Don't move that chair!"  and "Whose footprints are these?!"  
(Update: The rug has gone to rug storage heaven. :)

2) I raise ducks.
Nope, Not Really...
These are my dad's ducks, whose arrival my daughter was eagerly awaiting.  She endured a day-long headache and fever at school (my apologies to those of you now infected with the contagion she carried around that day) because if she had come home sick she said I wouldn't let her go see "Grandpa's Ducks".   (Aren't Mommies mean?)

It turns out the ducks didn't arrive on the Headache Day and she was reduced to tears and a nap.  

3)  My Mother's Day gift was a nearly full grown boy in a box.
Um, no, not really...
He rocks my world...and even though you can't quantify the gifts of motherhood...Why don't we begin to quantify by giving the gift of a small air compressor?  Excellent idea, I say.  

4)  This post took me three weeks to write.  
Really;  Nearly and almost. 

Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 6, 2011

"Stuff" to Love

Here are some things I am loving this week:

This gorgeous can full of toxic chemicals; which my sweet husband graciously turned over to me...

...I used every drop to transform our buffet hardware.  
I'm sure he has his regrets in the form of a chemically-induced headache for the 2 weeks it took to get these polished (because finishing things is relative for me).  

Like a "good wife", I went to replace his "Brasso stash" and discovered Brasso now (30 years later) comes in a plastic can.  What will they think of next?!

Miss Moss featured Mr. Wheeler.  I love his red shelf and check out the bear...

...and this faux bois wall(paper?) ...can't get it out of my head, (still)!

Amy Butler's home (love, love!) was featured on Sabbespot and Parlour; these two little sofas and their covers, are among favorite details.
Apartment Therapy

After reading about Sonia Delaunay's exhibit on Mrs. Blandings, I am ordering every book I can about her work.  [And am torturing everyone in the house with my latest (although Brasso-less) project...]

Design Sponge featured O Brother Where Art Thou in their "Living In" segment. OBWAT is possibly my favorite movie ever (one of a few I've seen more than once); I own the soundtrack and the movie marks the first time I REALLY fell for George Clooney...the overalls, the scruff, the shenanigans = *sigh*  :)

Design Sponge
(Get your very own cane toad!)  

I'm off to strap on my big girl overalls and finish something - Have a lovely weekend!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Royally You

I loved every.single.minute of The Royal Wedding on Friday....(even Beatrice's & Eugenie's ensembles!)

As an eight year old, I watched Princess Diana walk down the aisle, with my mom.  It was fun to share the excitement with our Miss D.

We watched as much as we could squeeze in before school, then caught up with reruns in the afternoon.

Mr. Will had lots of fun being called "Prince William" for the day.  (Coincidentally, he actually prefers to just be called "William", too;)
William and Kate Royal Wedding print


My favorite royal moment came later in the evening.  Miss D.'s Dance Recital was Friday evening. 
(Thus, the need for reruns vs. getting a 6-year-old up at 4 am.)  

Watching 'my baby' (whose arrival changed almost everything about my life) becoming so much herself brings such peace. and joy. and hope.

Peace that our job, our work, our formation (as much as you can another) is not for naught.

Joy in the Hoorah! the Hooray! the You Did It! You are doing it!

And Hope.
Hope that the world is full of the goodness that is so much a part of her.  

Set the world alight, little girl!  We love you!

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."
St. Catherine of Siena

To those who are remembered in tragedy, 
to those who protect America, 
and to those who have not given up the fight,
We honor & remember you.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

TLC Mouseover Trick

(Super-talented) Layla at The Lettered Cottage, recently posted a Mouseover How-To. (Love it when experts share their secrets!)

Even though my "afters" are more like "some progress" - I gave the Mouseover trick a try.

Really, my job here is just to make you feel better.

The blinds came down, received a good pressing, a dowel to prevent (some) sagging, new white strings and I "offed" the valances.

(I'll be repainting that cute little bench that said one day it wanted to be "blue", but didn't know that I'd make it "BLUE!")

Hope you're feelin' really good about your "After" today!