Friday, March 21, 2014

Miles to Go

My parents, Danielle, Will and I just returned from a 4,500 mile (!) car trip.
12 states in 5 days.
We saw the beautiful deserts of Arizona and New Mexico;
the Pacific Ocean and the San Diego Bay;
the red rocks of Utah
and the Rockies in Colorado;
the plains of Kansas and the familiar hills and valleys of Missouri and Iowa.

I am *so* happy to be home!
Though I have miles to go on my projects, it is so good to see them all again.

Hello everything that needs new upholstery, crazy mirror template, crooked pictures and candles and small boy in the mirror, who is so happy to be home. 

(He circled the house about three times and gave me about four hugs this morning.:)

Piano and plates and green chair: Hello to you, too!

 (Gah!  No Upholstery Fairy?)

 I missed you blue buffet.

God bless everyone and Keurig, too.

Hello paper bag portrait and my favorite blue bird from my favorite girl.

 Hello chairs and chalkboard and plant that lives on despite my neglect.

Hello shelves to be trimmed and tractors and trucks.

Hello Home! I am staying put for a while!
Safe journeys to you and yours.  
Take Care, 

1 comment:

  1. I like the hands painting and banker's lamp atop the piano, the brown paper bag portrait and milk glass bowls in the kitchen, the Wisconsin license plates, world globe and of course the Caterpillar front-end loader in the little boy's room. Home, indeed.


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